We've been working on some odd clean up jobs. One of the horns connectors got broken so they had to be removed and new ones ordered. I decided to relocate them to a different location but the wires weren't long enough. So Bob and his son Frank were over and they extended the wire and got them wired up. I wanted to get the gas pedal installed but the problem was, the piece that it would attach to possibly wasn't going to be strong enough. So my neighbor Jim had some angle iron and he helped us fabricate a doubler on the attachment point to make it stronger. I installed the gas pedal but at this point I'm not sure if there will be enough space between the brake and gas pedal. We're going to re-bleed the brakes on Sat, my neighbor Chris is coming over to help with that and I'll be able to tell better then.
I ran into another small problem (opportunity). I put 5 gallons of gas into the tank for the first time and the good news, thus far, is that there were no leaks. The bad news was that when I went back out into the garage later it smelled heavily of gas fumes. I thought I had a leak, but on investigating I found there were no leaks but did find that fumes were escaping from the fuel tank relief tube, I did some research and found that others were having a similar problem and found that some were making charcoal filter to catch the fumes. So I went to Oreilly's and bought a gas fuel filter, took out the filter from it and replaced it with charcoal from Pet Store used for fish.
My painting plans also went to pot. I called the person that was scheduled to paint the car in NC, Whitey Motor Car, to go ahead and start painting the body and parts. He called back and informed me, after having it for a year, that he wasn't going to be able to ship the painted car without the chassis attached. So new plan, I decided to have him ship me the body and parts unpainted and I will now need to find a painter here in our area. It's always something : ) I've also put together parts that were shipped to me by mistake, for shipment back to Whitby.
These are the boxes of parts to be shipped back to Whitby.
Bob taking a test drive.
Traudl decided she would also give it a go : )
Had the seat and steering wheel installed so we could
measure for the gas pedal.
The hose running from the right to the left was the one
leaking gas fumes out the bottom.
Courtney came over and decided she'd give it a go also.
Now she's getting serious about going fast : )
She decided she'd rather be Vanna White and present the car.
Here's the charcoal filter I made to try and stop the gas fumes.
Here the filter is installed inline.
Here's where we installed a doubler to strengthen the sheet metal attach point.
Got the gas pedal attached here to the cover.
Here's where the gas pedal cover is installed . May need some work still.