So far we've installed the power steering system. I have the top covered because it's chromed and I don't want to get it scratched. .
This is an electric power steering unit vs a belt driven one.
We have also switched out the standard gas tank for a Boyd stainless one that seems to be much better quality. We've bolted it in place and it fit great.
Here you can see the overflow tubing.
We've spent quite a bit of time installing the A/C and heater system. We had to mount the evaporator behind the firewall. We then had to figure out how to run the hoses that go on the inside of the car. We won't run the other hoses in the engine area until we have the engine installed. I want to run braided wire hoses for that (looks better) and we'll have to measure what we need and have them made.
Hopefully things will start to come together soon : )
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